Links to files associated with lectures, CV, publications, conference presentations, dynamic systems models etc.

work address


CV and List of Publications


Curriculum Vitae


List of Publications


  Research Program

Conference Presentations

  The following series contains an arbitrary collection of conference presentations made available on demand of the conference participants. The list will be regularly updated.


Wobbles, humps and sudden jumps: Views and Methods in the study of developmental transitions (Master Lecture)


SRCD Tampa (Florida), 2003
Part 1 Part 2
Part 3 Part 4


Intra-Individual variability in early child language


SRCD Tampa (Florida), 2003; symposium on Variability (Rosengren and Saevelsbergh)


Emotions in a developmental perspective: a dynamic systems approach (authors H. Steenbeek and P. van Geert)


SRCD Tampa (Florida), 2003; symposium on Emotion (Campos and Lewis)


Fluctuaties, variatie en vage grenzen


NiP Conferentie 2003


Dynamic Models
  The files can be opened by clicking on the titles. There are four models: behavior modification; learning and teaching; connected growers; and social interaction during play. Each model is represented by a Word file with explanation of the model and exercises (extension doc); and excel file with the model in spreadsheet format (extension xls) and a small powerpoint file with some further explanation (extension ppt).




Files were presented at the Summer Institute on Mind, Brain and Education, Harvard University 2004
  A Model of Behavior Modification Model of behavior modification.doc
Model of behavior modification.xls
Model of behavior modification.ppt
  A Model of Learning and Teaching Model of learning and teaching.doc
Model of learning and teaching.xls
Model of learning and teaching.ppt
  A Model of Connected Growers A model of connected growers.doc
A Model of connected growers.xls
A model of connected growers.ppt
  A Model of Dyadic Interaction in Children A Model of dyadic Interaction during Play.doc
A model of dyadic interaction during Play.xls
A Model of dyadic Interaction during Play.ppt